Differential Equations Flowchart
Summary of all Differential Equations Methods: Checking & Solving
The flowchart is constructed as two different sections. The first section consists of four methods connected to each other by conditional diamond-shaped figures. These diamond-shaped figures indicate a condition the equation must have in order to continue with the initial method. If it isn’t, then it leads to the following possible process. The easiest ways are at the top and the hardest is at the bottom. These methods included:
- Variable Separable
- Homogenous Differential Equations
- Exact and Non-exact Differential Equations
The other section consists of three separate methods, the two of which are very similar. They are not connected to the first section since they do not use the Leibnitz notation and are straightforward, meaning, you will already know that they are the methods to be used after seeing the differential equation. These include:
- First Order Linear Differential Equations (FOLDE)
- Bernoulli
- Differential Equation with Coefficients Linear in Two Variables
The differential equation methods are colored light blue and the finishing step is colored red. If you spot any errors or are finding difficulty in understanding a certain part, please say so in the comments.

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