2 min readSep 13, 2022


Thank you for sending this link. As a current student of engineering, I can see how the wrong perspective of mathematics plagued the minds of those who dare not to understand it, for fear of only ever feeling stupid. Kids nowadays are terrified of math, but are indeed naturally creative in arts.

I realized from your blog that teachers, who were actually students, too, in the past, who neglected to have a deep understanding of math, influences the students they teach, as well. These teachers who lack the ability to make mathematics fun, understandable, satisfying, and exciting also creates students who lack the abilities mentioned.

Education is a snowball effect. If the preceding person merely imitates and passes on, the same effect will happen to the next person. Hence, if a student in the past hated math, if that student becomes a teacher, they will unconsciously teach their students to hate math as well. That is, of course, unless the student themself goes out of their way to find other teachers who are passionate about mathematics. It is a challenge, so not everyone does so.

I must clarify, I do not hate art itself, I, too, paint, draw, sing, and play instruments in my leisure, but mathematics deserves better, especially in the earliest years of a student's life.

I guess it's all about the reputation. See, art has been given the reputation of being used as a recreational activity, which appears to be relaxing, but math has been given the reputation of being highly, mentally demanding, which appears to be stressful. Thus, teachers themselves favor the excitement in arts, than math, leading to a much colorful and thrilling learning conditions to arts.

People misunderstand math as a subject full of numbers and procedures that gives answers. But, that is not all. That is not even the tip of the ice berg. Mathematics itself is an abstract, full of wonders to explore. Art and math has a lot more things in common than they differ.

Anyway, nice blog. Hope to see more of blogs like these.

